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1st Caoivish Imperial Marine Regiment
Unit Gallery
1st Marines has a long and illustrious history in Foxhole. We have had many opportunities to document some amazing work by our Marines during our endeavors. Check them out here, from our beginnings in War 104 to the present day!
1st Bunker Base
The first bunker base every built by the regiment. Located at The Dice Road, Godcrofts - War 104 (25 May 2023)
1st Amphibious Assault
1st Amphibious assault conducted by 1CIMR (then 17WMR) against enemy forces. War 104, 1 June 2023.
Sky Shatterer
1st regimental storm cannon "Sky Shatterer" as part of the Basin Bulwark defensive line - War 106.
Sky Shatterer II
Concrete foundations of Sky Shatterer II following the structure being destroyed during a alting incident. - War 106
Basin Bulwark
Map view of the incompleted Basin Bulwark - War 106. The Basin Bulwark took 16 scrap fields of MSUPs per day to maintain.
FF-001 CIS Exile
1st war patrol of CIS Exile, the first large vessel the regiment ever built. - War 114
Coastal Raiding
1st Marines conducts coastal raids against enemy components collection points in Tempest Island - War 119.
Briar Tap-Op
1CIMR using Ironhides attack and tap the heavily contested Briar relic base, Stlican Shelf sector. - War 112
Marines launch gunship naval raids against The Fingers from Isawa - War 117, 19 September 2024
PC-003 CIS Torchwood
Gunship patrol of CIS Torchwood escorts vital logistics through hostile waters to Port of Rime during its seige. - War 115
In Memorium
Marines dedicate a memorial to "Task Force Tusk", for the Marines and sailors killed during Operation Great White (OPGW) - War 115
Official Logo
The official unit logo of the 1st Caoivish Imperial Marine Regiment (1CIMR)
Task Force Tusk
Landing force barges staged as part of the 6-regiment-strong offensive landing led by 1CIMR that became Task Force Tusk. - War 115.
Heavy Armor Support
1st Marines use their Flood Battle Tank to defend Vulpine's Watch, Stlican Shelf - War 117, 11 & 12 October 2024.
Operation Bootlegger
FMAT & 1CIMR (17WMR) pose for photos after a successful blockade run of supplies to Godcrofts during its hex-wide encirclement, War 108.
1CIMR captures Colonial artillery unit intact after eliminating its crew in Tempest Island. - War 119
Kes Island
Saegio had an oil field spawn. 2nd Lt kes immediately proceeded to build and create a cult. As with all cults, she is the figurehead. - War 119, 24 Nov. 2024
Sustained Bombardment
1CIMR and the 117th provide sustained artillery barrage against Plana Fada, Tempest Island. - War 119
Eliminating "Over There!"
The EU members conduct a massed rocket artillery attack. - War 119
Surge Gate Shenanigans
1CIMR provide transport for amphibious operations around Surge Gate. - War 118
Team Players
Alpha Co, 1st Battalion joined by many allies at War's end posing for a group photo following a short but hard-fought war. - War 118.
STEAL Team 6
STEAL Team 6 of Marine Raiders tactically acquire Colonial 120mm field artillery gun, Reaver's Pass. - War 118.
Listening Post / Outpost
The extremely light design of the LP/OP allowed Marines to rapidly deploy with a single Ironship to anywhere in Caoiva, providing fast and effective rapid deployment force actions where ever it was needed. - War 112, LP/OP - Clanshead Valley
Callum's Descent
Marines fiercely defend Callum's Descent, Morgen's Crossing from Colonial armored forces during the notorious War 112. This became the "World of Tanks/WOT" war due to the insane availability in components leading to armored assaults never before or since seen in Foxhole.
Let'em Burn!
1CIMR infiltrates and burns Cragstown town hall, Callahan's Passage - War 112.
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